Deliciouzz 200th Party And New Backgrounds!

G’day mate, Deli turned 200 today and it was awesome… Hiki did some cool mod magic.



The party was so enjoyable!! But wait there is more.

There are new moving backgrounds at magic shop…!! They are worth 1000 coins each but worth it. 😛

In Other News: Joe is turning 300 in less then 15 days so we need to make a party for him and me (will) turns 300 in 20 days. So we need to get party ready… Please Comment what you think we need and what mods and stuff.


6 comments so far

  1. gasnier11 on

    Hehe… Comment Guys

  2. Annieeee88 on

    nice site will remember me ani??

  3. Jocelyn on

    can you ask hiki if he can throw a party for me because i want to meet him and im almost 300 years old im only 284 but still i haven’t had a party yet plz reply back

  4. Applepie2 on

    Hi Will how are ya we should meet up ill try to get on so we can meet some times ok????
    Im applepie2 on chobots i cant wait till im a angent like you i would like to be friends with you so i can make an angent party with mimom,paris006,Yellowhouse,ect they are all my friends oh and you should wach out for big__bums777 He is a haker!!!! Just helping

  5. Applepie2 on

    You should make more posts i want to read it more often…..Love the vidios……U friends with hiki???I am but she never talks to me Jk we are good friends i have seen rain 1 but…..I would like to see more…..Keep posting!!
    P.S cheak on your blog more often or no one will want to see it!

  6. Skippy on

    heyy gas

    havent talked to any of my cp friends for AGESS

    soo ur a chobots fan now?

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